Why do we need a job fair?
Why do we need a job fair?
Companies are looking for qualified workers, yet there is a major worker shortage. Workers do not want to stay at their current jobs and that is causing a serious issue with many companies' workforce. This issue has become even more prevalent as the unemployment rate continues to decrease.
Job fairs are a great way for employers and job seekers to mingle together in order to get their needs met. It's also an opportunity for new talent to show off their skill sets while employers see the possibility of future employees.
For a passive job seeker, there is no harm in looking around during the fair for other potential jobs. You never know what kind of opportunities might arise from attending a job fair, but you should always be accepting of an offer from an employer if they decide to hire you on the spot. It's also beneficial for a passive job seeker to register early, especially if the fair is on a weekend. This way, they can get all of their documents and paperwork in order before it begins.
For an active job seeker, attending the job fair is your time to shine. If you see any employers that you would like to work with, go ahead and introduce yourself to them. Not only does this show that you have a great work ethic, but it also means that you want to take the opportunity to communicate with each other. It's a plus if a potential employer knows exactly who they are hiring before an interview even begins.
It's important for both types of job seekers to realize that this isn't an opportunity to complain about their current job. It is a time to show off their work skills and what they have learned from previous employment. Be willing to accept constructive criticism because it shows employers that you are willing to learn and improve yourself as a worker. If you're interested in having a dialogue with someone, then go ahead and email them after the job fair.
A company that holds a job fair will most likely be looking for certain traits in their employees, such as experience, work ethic, motivation, and adaptability. It is advantageous to tailor your resume with these qualities if you want to attract employers at the job fair. For example, if you've worked for a company before and learned new skills, mention that on your resume! This will show the employers that you are not only skilled but also determined to learn more.
Job fair event
A job fair was held at Ontario Tech University on December 10. The purpose of the event was to provide an opportunity for employers and employees to meet, discuss their needs and goals, and possibly create meaningful working relationships.
The job fair was held in the Russell House Ballroom. Employers set up tables where they could sit and talk with students who came up to their table. Companies such as Revel Entertainment, The Cliffs at Long Creek, T-Mobile, Sol Casino, Carolina Career Connections, Palmetto Pest Control Company and many others sent representatives to the event. Students could also sign up for job fairs held throughout the semester to meet with potential employers. The Career Center, which is always available for students who need help finalizing their resumes, provided a free resume check.
The career fair gave both employees and employers a chance to talk face-to-face about their needs, goals and opinions of each other. "I think it's a great event. It gives students a chance to talk to potential employers and interview to start working after graduation," said sophomore Emily Massey.
Benefits of the event
The career fair also included a workshop designed to give aspiring employees the tools they need to be successful in their first jobs, as well as information about the Career Center and the services offered. The event was useful for both employees and employers. Employees were able to learn about job opportunities and employers were able to find qualified employees to meet their needs. "I think it's a great opportunity for graduate students because it gives them a chance to meet potential employers before they graduate," said freshman Beatriz Martinez de Castro.
The event concluded with a panel discussion between five representatives from popular companies: Jennifer Cowley (Revel Entertainment branch manager at Hilton Head), John Daniel (producer of The Cliffs at Long Creek), Taylor Hildebrandt (T-Mobile marketing representative), Jesse Georg (Sol Casino online casino manager), Jaci Jackson (project manager and construction supervisor for Carolina Career Connections) and Emily Lisberger (chief human resources recruiter for The Palmetto Pest Control Company).
The manager of Canada's best online casino told the students about his work experience and how he got there. He and the other panelists also discussed the job he is currently doing and what skills, education and personal qualities are needed to be successful in his field. "I think it's a great opportunity for students because there aren't many events like this at the university," said freshman Andrew McPartlin.
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